Saturday 7 January 2012

The Quinny Yezz has arrived!!

The Quinny Yezz was delivered a few days before Christmas...I have been so busy so I've only just got round to updating my Blog but here goes...

I have been so excited and have waited so long for this day to come and  I was defiantly not disappointed.

As soon as i opened the box a lovely bright pink seat and Matt black frame was staring me in the face, Christmas had come early :D

The colours are amazing, so  vibrant. The Pink Hybrid goes well with the black frame.

I set the Yezz up using the instructions ( I never usually read the instructions to anything) to be honest i could have set it up with out using them. It was a good job I read them because there is one key point to setting the Yezz up and that is when you put the seat cover on you need to leave the frame partially unfolded so the clips reach. 

I took me minutes to set up, it was so easy. I practised folding and unfolding it a few times just to get the hang of it. The great thing about Quinny Yezz is you can fold/unfold it with one hand, which makes it very unique and practical. This is going to be very handy for me when i need to take public transport and is going to be a great selling point!

The Yezz was on display in my house over Christmas, everyone who came over tried it out and couldn't believe how light weight and easy it was to push. My younger brothers especially liked the skating wheels and even asked if they could borrow them Lol

Gracie loved getting in and trying it out for the first time, she was kicking about and looking really chuffed with herself. I was worried that the harness was going to be too big her ( she's a little dot, as everyone says)  but after a bit of adjusting they fitted her fine.

I have made a video, to show how to set up the Yezz but please bare with me as this was the first video i have made :)

We have took it out for a test drive and I've got to say it's by far the easy stroller to push. My son like to hold my hand so now I don't have to struggle to push my pram and hold his hand.

Me, Gracie and Love the Yezz!!

About Me

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I'm 26 and I have three wonderfull children, Rwo Boys and one Girl. Im kept very busy :)